Month: December 2014

  • The End is Nigh!

    No, not the end of the world, but the end of the year.  By this time, most of us have already reflected on what this past year has brought or done to us.  Tonight, we celebrate and party, whether with a bunch of people in the frigid cold in New York City or at home…

  • Troubleshooting Skills

    Is it me, or do the younger generations lack troubleshooting skills?  Growing up in the early days of the modern generation of home computers with Windows (mid-90’s), if I wanted to do something, I had to figure it out.  Google did not exist yet.  I could search for something via Yahoo or other “first-gen” search…

  • Chapters 1-3

    Chapters 1-3 of The Amanai Resolution are “on paper”.  I went on a bit of a writing spree Christmas Eve.  When I look at it from a viewpoint of another 20+ chapters to go, it feels daunting.  This part of the writing process I enjoy – beginning the story and getting into the meat of…

  • Merry Christmas!

    The day has finally come, and I wish I could say I made it here with the Christmas spirit.  Alas, I made it, but not with the spirit, but that is fine.  The kids are having a great morning, and it should be a relaxing day (assuming the kids do not start yelling at each…

  • Damn, That Sucked!

    This flu going around kicked my ass something fierce.  That was after it about ripped my ass with boiling hot dog water.  Yes, that is a nasty picture, but it was no way less nasty with the experience.  *knock on wood*  I have not puked in fourteen years.  I barely kept the streak going with…

  • Done Right if it Bleeds

    There is a right way to do things and a wrong way.  Just like sex – you know you did it right when someone bleeds.  Sure, you can be all timid and straight-up missionary, but there is nothing like a 45-minute, multiple-position, bottoming-out, mix-up-the-pace session before it turns a little rough time when after done both collapse…

  • Started…. Finally

    I did not get very far, but I have finally started writing “The Amanai Resolution”.  I figured if I want to get this one done by summer, I need to start now.  It is almost the darkest day of the year, and it is taking its toll.  Feeling trapped in your own home due to…

  • Same Page

    It becomes very difficult to argue about something if the parties involved are not on the same page.  I have been the transgressor and victim of this many times in the past.  This same page needs to happen outside of arguments.  Not being on that same definition can cause fights to break out with the…

  • What Really Matters

    The choices we make can portray what really matters to us.  Many times, that is true.  That statement can be used in extremes, however.  For example, if you buy beer instead of a birthday present for your kid, you are a complete dickhole who should be throat punched and left on the sidewalk gasping for…

  • When the Truth Hurts

    A truth we like is easily accepted. A truth we do not like is often rejected or explained away into a false state of excuses and denial. There are times truths are held back for the benefit of others. If a truth is going to cause massive pain, is the lie the better solution? I…